Hiking area near Tokyo
Mitsumine Shrine is located in Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture and it takes 3 hours from Tokyo. It is said to be the strongest power spot in the Kanto region.
At Mitsumine Shrine, wolves are considered to be the messengers of the gods and wolves have traditionally been worshiped as gods who protect people from disasters.
It is popular "Enmusubi Tree" which is said to be an 800-year-old sacred tree that will bring good luck to couple.
There are restaurants and souvenir shops.
Dango and Soba
We enjoyed just Mitsumine Shrine and restaurants and souvenir shops. It takes just about an hour to look around the shrine.
But if you want to enjoy a hiking, we recommend you to go Okumiya of Mitsumine Shrine and you can see so beautiful view from the top of the mountain.
※It takes 3 hours as total to climb up and down the mountain, round trip.
Please note that Okumiya is open from around May to October and you cannot enter the mountain outside of this period.
・From Ikebukuro Station to Seibu Chichibu Station : Approx 1 hour 17 minutes by train, Seibu Ikebukuro Line. Train fare is 900 Yen.
・From Seibu Chichibu Station to Bus stop of Mitsumine Shrine : Approx 1 hour 15 minutes by bus. Bus fare is 950 Yen
・Bus time table from Chichibu Station to Mitsumine Shrine 8:00/8:30/9:10/10:00/10:30
※Bus terminal⑤
I strongly recommend you that to wait before 30 min about buses otherwise you cannot have a seat. It's hard to stand still while moving.
[Mitsumine Shrine]
298‐1, Mitsumine, Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture, 〒396-1902
7:00 am - 5:00 pm TEL:0494-55-0241
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