Enoden line timetable

About Enoden line timetable, there are basically 4 trains per hour. The Enoden line timetable is as follows.

Departure from Kamakura station:
5:47 / 5:59 
6:11 / 6:24 / 6:36 / 6:48 

Between 7am to 20pm, every hour timetable is as below:
:00/  :12/  :24/  :36/  :48

21:00 / 21:12 / 21:26 / 21:51
22:02 / 22:14 / 22:41
23:03 / 23:33 / 23:54

Enoden kine is located in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan and it is connecting Fujisawa station and Kamakura station.

Enoden line is small but you can enjoy so beautiful view of the ocean from the train.

About Enoden line fare, for example, From FUJISAWA to KAMAKURA is 300yen(adult).You can check Enoden line fare from here Enoden line fare.
